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Help your customers ‘keep a roof over their head’

December 27, 2023

For insurance agents, it is important to educate homeowners on the significance of timely roof maintenance and repairs. A well-maintained roof can not only extend its life but also prevent water damage, foundation issues, and other problems. It plays a crucial role in protecting the rest of the home from the elements.

Nationwide offers several helpful resources that you can share with your customers to help educate them on signs of roof damage, roof replacement coverages and how long they can expect their roof to last. Regular inspections can alert homeowners to possible roof damage, and performing regular maintenance can extend the life of their roof. It is also important to track the age of the roof and understand the different types of roofing materials that work best for their climate.

Educating your customers on general roof maintenance can help prevent costly problems down the road. Here are some tips to share with your customers:

  • Does anything appear abnormal on the roof? Look for irregularities, especially after a weather event, such as high winds, heavy rain, or snow.
  • Are the shingles, skylights, chimney, and boot pipes in good condition? Shingles should not be cracked, missing, or curled; skylights should not be cracked, have condensation, or damaged flashing; the chimney should not be cracked; and boot pipes, which help prevent water from entering the home, should not be missing or damaged.
  • When was the last time the gutters were cleaned? Gutters should be cleaned regularly, as overflowing gutters can cause water to back up into the home and/or cause damage to the roof sheathing, which would lead to rot. Roof rafters are also capable of rotting and growing weaker due to exposure to water.
  • Is there debris on the roof? Leaves should be removed, especially from roof valleys and areas around chimneys.

By following these tips, homeowners can help prevent costly problems and ensure that their roof lasts for years to come. For more information, visit the Nationwide Learning Center.